Denis Wahler, PhD
An experienced manager for collaborative research and development, Denis is in charge of Technology Partnerships within the Active Beauty business unit of Givaudan. Prior to this role, he was Business Development Manager in biocatalysis and metagenomics at Libragen, before the acquisition of the company by Givaudan in 2015. Libragen has since become the Applied Microbiomics Centre of Excellence of Givaudan Active Beauty. Graduated from a PhD in Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Bern, Switzerland, Denis specialized in applied research and contract services in white biotechnology and green chemistry at Proteus/PCAS Biosolution, where he served as Head of R&D and Scientific Manager for many years. Prior to joining Libragen, he also spent one and a half year at SEPPIC (Air Liquide Group) as Head of the Synthesis Department.