Unboxing a Successful DTC Strategy in 2022 | Kisaco Research


2022 will be another year of DTC investment and new partnerships as brands position their business model, strategy, marketing, and operations to flourish in a digital world.

In this webinar we sit down with DTC experts from, Glossier and OceanX, to discuss key lessons learned from 2021 that will ensure a successful DTC strategy is in place for 2022.

This interactive webinar will highlight the following:

  • How to provide accurate forecasting throughout the year
  • Working with your fulfillment partner to ensure operations are stable & data is easily accessible
  • Assessing your carrier strategy to decrease costs and increase shipping speeds
Date / Time: 
Thursday, February 17, 2022 - 10:00am
Call to Action Label (Upcoming): 
Stay Tuned
On-Demand Option: 
Simple Vimeo video (no registration required)
On-Demand Registration is the same as the registration URL: 
Call to Action Label (On-Demand): 
View Webinar
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